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Rii Touch

RII 66-key Mini Bluetooth Keyboard for iPhone, PC, Mac, Android - Updated with USB Type C

RII 66-key Mini Bluetooth Keyboard for iPhone, PC, Mac, Android - Updated with USB Type C

Price $29.95 USD
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Updated with USB Type C for charging, The RII Mini wireless keyboard is a compact, 66-key portable keyboard about the size of a phone. The large, distinct buttons are easy to find by touch, and the design includes a full number row as well as Control and Option keys for VoiceOver users. This keyboard is compatible with all accessible versions of the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad as well as Windows and Mac computers. It also works with Android phones and tablets running version 4.0 or later. Charge the keyboard with the included USB C cable.

The box will include the keyboard and a USB A to C cable.< We offer a 90 day warranty against defects on this item


To pair the keyboard, press and hold the only button on the bottom side of the unit for about two seconds. If you need to enter a pin, the number row is the second row from the top, with the number one the second key from the left in that row, next to escape. Enter is the long key on the right end of the 5th row.

Keyboard Layout

Below is the key layout for this keyboard, starting with the top left. First we give the function for each key and then we include info for each key when pressed with the Shift or Function keys.

Top row:  lightbulb, Home, Command/Windows, Mute, volume down, volume up, rewind, play/pause, fast forward, backspace
Row 2: Escape, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, grave/accent
Row 3: Tab, q, w, e, r, t, y, u, i, o, p, backslash
Row 4: Capslock, a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, semicolon, apostrophe
Row 5: Shift, z, x, c, v, b, n, m, slash, up arrow, enter
Row 6: Function, control, option/alt, hyphen, equals, space bar, down arrow, left arrow, right arrow

With Shift key held down

Top Row: N/A
Row 2: escape, exclaim, at, number, dolloar sign, percent, Exponent, Ampersand,*, left paren, right paren, tilde
Row 3: Tab, Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, P, vertical bar
Row 4: Capslock, A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, colon, quotation mark
Row 5: Z, X, C, V, B, N, M, Question mark
Row 6: (starting at hyphen) underscore, plus

With function(bottom left) key held down:

Top Row: lightbulb, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8,
Row 2: (starting at number 8) F9, F10, F11, F12
Row 3: (starting at p) left-bracket, right-bracket
Row 4: (starting at k) less-than, greater-than, left-brace, right-brace
Row 5: (starting at m) comma, period
Row 6: N/A

Some common symbols:

Period: function+Slash
Comma: function+m
Question mark: shift+slash
At sign: Shift+2

For a good reference of Voice Over commands, check out this blog post from Hllf. Note that due to the nature of the keyboard, you may need to turn on quick nav to access some VoiceOver commands. Mor details are in the blog post above.

Android Commands

This keyboard is compatible with phones running Android 4.0 and up. Below are some helpful Android shortcuts.

Home: Home (same as iPhone)
Back: Escape
Menu: Control-Escape
Recent apps: Alt-Escape

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Brian Riordan
Satisfied customer

products works as described. shipping was good. Satisfied

Back Up Keyboard

I use this as a back up during traveling. It's great to use on bus trips and to stash and takes up hardly any room. It has the same key functions as my keyboard on my tablet and this is another great reason for buying it. the bubble like keys are easy to find and it is a nice little gadget.

Jennie Facer
Great keyboard!

I love the new version of this keyboard! I just wish the F and J were marked just a little bit better.